Scoliosis Brace Stories by Comedian @CarmenLynch

Carmen Lynch, who has appeared on a string of late night TV shows including The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and Conan has scoliosis. In this video, Carmen shares her scoliosis journey and experience wearing a scoliosis back brace. Her scoliosis journey is very similar to my journey and she shares some great insight that I hope will help you see that despite having scoliosis anything is possible. Thank you Carmen for sharing your story with us!

Welcome to my channel! My name is Ava. I was diagnosed with idiopathic scoliosis when I was 14 years old. I felt so alone and even scared sometimes as there are very few places for kids to connect with other kids with scoliosis.

I created this YouTube channel to post videos to share my experience with kids and teens so they know that THEY ARE NOT ALONE.

Follow me on my scoliosis journey as I share details about my non-surgical scoliosis treatment, my scoliosis brace experience and some scoliosis brace hacks. I know this journey is not easy….but YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

QUESTIONS — Have a question or scoliosis topic you would like me to address? Post in comments section of this video! Scoliosis warriors and their scoliosis back brace!

Just a teen with scoliosis. Please subscribe so you can follow along! @embracethebracewithava



Love Yourself, No Body Shaming - Precious Paledi & Scoliosis Support Botswana


Appreciation To My Supporters During My Scoliosis Journey: Thank You!