My Scoliosis Experience - What is Scoliosis?

What is scoliosis? Let's talk about scoliosis bracing. For those with scoliosis and/or wearing a scoliosis back brace.....or just interested in talking about idiopathic scoliosis, here is a new video sharing my experience, tips and what to expect when you get your new scoliosis back brace. I hope you enjoy the video.

Welcome to my channel! My name is Ava. I was diagnosed with idiopathic scoliosis when I was 14 years old. I felt so alone and even scared sometimes as there are very few places for kids to connect with other kids with scoliosis. I created this YouTube channel to post videos to share my experience with kids and teens so they know that THEY ARE NOT ALONE.

Follow me on my scoliosis journey as I share details about my non-surgical scoliosis treatment, my scoliosis brace experience and some scoliosis brace hacks. I know this journey is not easy….but YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

QUESTIONS — Have a question or scoliosis topic you would like me to address? Post in comments section of this video! Scoliosis warriors and their scoliosis back brace!

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Wearing A Scoliosis Back Brace - My Scoliosis Brace Journey


My Scoliosis Brace Experience and What to Expect - Idiopathic Scoliosis