Building Your Resilience Muscles - Anne Grady & Anne Grady Group

Anne began studying the brain and neurodevelopment to find answers while searching for treatment options for her son, Evan, after he was diagnosed with severe mental illness and Autism. Then, after being diagnosed with an avocado-sized tumor in her salivary gland in 2014, she had to lean on the tools she learned with her son to help her through this difficult time. Now, she wants to help others cultivate the habits and skills to build strength through struggle with the science behind resilience. To learn more about Anne, her books, and other services, visit:

With a master’s degree in organizational communication, Anne shows people how to harness the power of resilience to break out of reactivity so they can communicate, lead, and live on purpose. Not only is Anne recognized as a leading expert in the fields of leadership, communication, and resilience by Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneur, Inc., Fast Company, FOX Business, CNN, and more, she is also a living testimonial. Described as “authentic, hilarious, inspirational, and a ‘dropper of truth bombs!’”, she quickly connects with audiences, sharing inspiring personal stories, cutting edge, research-based content, and implementation tools to transfer learning into real life.


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